Sunday 4 September 2011

TO You...!!!

When I am alone, I Think of you....
When I am busy, I Think of you....
When I am happy, I want to share it with you....
When I am sad, I want you to be happy....

When you are with me, you make me feel special....
When you are not, I realize you value....
When I have no problem, I thank you....
When I have problem, I thank you to give me courage....

You Know Why all this happens?????
All this is because _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _!!!!  

Wednesday 31 August 2011

LOving HEartS!!!

My Heart had something in it....
Didn't know how to tell....
Tried & Tried but always failed....
Still trying & never complained....
You came along & he tried again....
But was got by your eyes....
And got failed again....

He found a way to tell you....
Closed his eyes & spoke his heart....
I don't know what happened next....
Because my heart got flat....
He became aware but you were gone....
He cried & cried & soaked in pain....
But your answer he waited for....
Never came, Never came....

He went to sea to kill himself....
Was going to jump & suddenly you came....
Your Heart said something....
I didn't understand....
But was clear my Heart can't stand....
He jumped & jumped, again & again....
They both kissed & the story ends when....!!!